Thursday, February 21, 2008


I didn't get anything done today. This is how I felt when I looked at my house this evening. I had two loads of laundry that hadn't been folded for two days sitting on the couch. I had a sink full of dishes, and I didn't even cook dinner. There were toys all over the house and the floor is still sticky. I've been saying I need to mop it since Tuesday. The girls' room is covered with clothes that Katherine so graciously dumped during "nap time". So when my husband called and asked what I did today and I began recounting the events of the day, I realized that I really did a lot and I need to give myself some credit! I do have five kids for pete's sake! So for the sake of optimism, here's what I DID do today! I swam for twenty minutes, went to a parent-teacher conference, dropped Michael off at school, played with my mom and sister (yay for staring at someone else's house!), picked Michael up and fed him lunch, I took a nap(I don't even know the last time that happened!), I took Lillie to gymnastics, I fed the children dinner (yeah, it was only cold cereal, but oh well), we all did homework and read and I successfully bathed all five of them! Phew! So here's to not getting anything done today!! On to tomorrow...


Erica said...

Good for you!! I feel the same way so much of the time. Your words are inspiring, and make me look closer at the little things. We're all wearing clean clothes, homework is done, and baths have been taken. Sometimes, thats all you can hope for!!
Have a great weekend! Your sticky floor will be right there waiting for you when your ready to tackle it!!

Patty said...

I have been there too, and I only have 3 kids. You are doing great!