Friday, March 21, 2008

Random Friday

I ran away and married George Clooney and my husband held the baby during the wedding! Yes, we had fun in Vegas at Madame Toussad's! Do you love the wedding dress or what?
The kids are all out of school for spring break and then they are off track for three weeks. So we have been having Friday for three days now. Yesterday we watched Enchanted, which was very cute and I will most likely buy it. Then for some reason, I wanted to see The Music Man again. So we all watched it last night. Then I started to think off all the other great musicals and we may just have to rent a few more of the oldies but goodies. I think the next one I'll make them watch is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Andrew rolled his eyes when I told them the story line and asked if it was another musical! But the other kids want to see it! Maybe he'll go read! He's to the 'cover my eyes when people kiss on TV' phase! Oh I love to torture my children!! *insert evil laugh*

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